Blueberries also exhibit good autumn colour while cranberries and lingonberries have the advantage of being evergreen.īlueberries are ready for picking when they are blue-black, soft and detach easily from their stalks. Blueberries and lingonberries make particularly good container plants with attractive flowers as well as fruits. When plants are in full growth, feed regularly with an ericaceous liquid feed at manufacturers recommended rates. They must never be allowed to run short of water (rainwater preferably) and it is better to err on the side of over-watering rather than to risk them drying out. In subsequent years re-pot in late autumn or early spring as necessary.

Select containers of a size that will allow plenty of room for growth and pot plants individually using an ericaceous compost. In the many areas where the soil is insufficiently acid to raise these fruits they are easily grown in containers. In the case of blueberries an additional 17g m2 (½ oz yd2) of sulphate of ammonia can be applied if growth is not very strong and new shoots grow to less than 30cm (12in) in a full season. Each year in March (blueberries) or April (cranberries and lingonberries) apply a lime-free fertiliser at the manufacturers recommended rates. Do this every spring while the soil is still moist from winter rain. These berries will also benefit from annual renewal of the mulch of partly rotted sawdust, bark or moss peat. Refill the holes with the soil/peat mix and setting each plant with the top of the root-ball at about or slightly below soil level. Plant the bushes 1.5m (5ft) apart for Blueberries, 30cm (1ft) apart for Cranberries and 45cm (18in) for Lingonberries.

Autumn Planting Onions, Garlic & Shallots.