Updated Steam library folders dialog to better manage various game content installed on your drives.Allow removing empty library folders on fixed drives.Allow mounting library folders on read-only drives.Updated Steam library folder UI for easy content management across multiple drives.The rest of the update makes various fixes and tweaks to the library, friends list, Remote Play Together, Steam Cloud functionality, Steam VR, and MacOS and Linux support. For users who struggle to manage their Steam libraries across two or three drives (or maybe are just reluctant to uninstall old games because they were really good and you might want to play them again someday), it's seriously handy. It's not located in the most obvious place ever-you'll find it in Steam Settings – Downloads – Steam Library Folders-but it now displays each drive individually, with Steam usage on each broken down by games, DLC, and "other." Games can be sorted alphabetically, by size, or by last-played date, and can be easily uninstalled or moved to other drives individually or in groups.

Some of the individual changes are fairly minor, but taken together it's definitely more flexible than it used to be, and sticklers who really want to know exactly what Steam is up to at any given time will no doubt find it more informative as well. For workshop updates, a page of subscribed items ordered by update date can be accessed by selecting "View Updated Items" from the context menu. The patch notes link will only show up on updates, not fresh installs. This will only display for games that have entered patch notes into the new event system.

The download queue is now fully reorderable using drag and drop.This icon only appears if the update is not solely game content. Types consist of Game Content, Downloadable Content, Workshop Content, and Shader Pre-caching. A new (i) icon next to the game's title will reveal a tooltip displaying the types of content that is included in that update.Any partially completed downloads/updates in queue will now show a faded progress bar and percent completed next to it to clearly display its current state.

Previously the progress bar would only display the downloading content progress but not the disk allocation process which would make an update to appear completed when it was not.